solar panels
The power of photovoltiac cells is measured in Wp ('peak Watts'), which
means the amount of electricity (in Watts) that can be produced by a cell
in ideal (or peak) sunlight conditions. A standard 9 cm diameter cell produces
about 0.5 to 0.7 Wp and a output voltage of 0.5V. This is too low to power
electrical equipment.
To increase the power output, solar cells are wired together:
- To increase the voltage output, photovoltiac cells are wired in series.
This is the same principle as putting batteries together: positive-to-negative.
For example 24 cells wired in series have the output voltage 24 x 0.5V
= 12V.
- To increase the amperage output, photovoltiac cells are wired in parallel.
This means that each plus-pole wired together and each minus-pole wired
- A photovoltiac module (solar panel) is
a combination of photovoltiac cells wired together in series and parallel
with the purpose of generating a specific current and voltage at a given
level of irradiance. For example, a module composed of 9 cells wired in
series/parallel (three in series / three in parallel) has the treefold
voltage output, the threefold amperage output and the ninefold power output.
Photovoltiac modules may contain thirty or more cells. For protection the
modules of cells are encapsulated in glass or transparent plastic. An average
panel produces 50 Wp (12V).
- A photovoltiac array is composed of two or more photovoltiac modules.
The more solar panels that are used, the more electricity can be generated.
A single solar panel can produce enough electicity to power a computer.
Forty solar panels can power a house.
Modules which are installed on buildings, are wired into the mains electricity
system and produce electricity for use directly in the building, or wired
up to batteries, where the electricity can be stored for the night. The
electricity produced by solar panels is direct current (DC) and therefore
non-battery systems need to have an inverter to convert the current to
alternating current (AC).
Solar panels produce electricity all year round. They work best when
the sun is at its brightest (power output is directly proportional to light
intensity), but also produce electricity on cloudy days, in the winter,
in the snow and even when it is raining.
- centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Powys
SY20 9AZ, 0654 702400
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energy in use