1. Antimatter Factory

    On October 19th, 2018, I was giving a talk about OpenHPC at the CentOS Dojo at CERN.

    I really liked the whole event and my talk was also recorded. Thanks for everyone involved for organizing it. The day before FOSDEM 2019 there will be another CentOS Dojo in Brussels. I hope I have the chance to also attend it.

    The most interesting thing during my two days in Geneva was, however, the visit of the Antimatter Factory:

    Antimatter Factory

    Assuming I actually understood anything we were told about it, it is exactly that: an antimatter factory.

    Tagged as : fedora centos openhpc
  2. Latest CRIU for CentOS COPR

    The version of CRIU which is included with CentOS is updated with every minor CentOS release (at least at the time of writing this) since 7.2, but once the minor CentOS release is available CRIU is not updated anymore until the next minor release. To make it easier to use the latest version of CRIU on CentOS I am now also rebuilding the latest version in COPR for CentOS: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/adrian/criu-el7/.

    To enable my CRIU COPR on CentOS following steps are necessary:

    • yum install yum-plugin-copr
    • yum copr enable adrian/criu-el7

    And then the latest version of CRIU can be installed using yum install criu.

    Tagged as : CentOS criu migration
  3. OpenHPC: Building Blocks

    I will be giving two talks about OpenHPC in the next weeks. The first talk will be at DevConf.cz 2018: OpenHPC Introduction

    The other talk will be at the CentOS Dojo in Brussels.

    I hope I will be able to demonstrate my two node HPC system based on Raspberry Pis and it definitely will be about OpenHPC's building blocks:

    OpenHPC Building

    And the results:

    OpenHPC Building BlocksOpenHPC Building
BlocksOpenHPC Building
BlocksOpenHPC Building

    Come to one of my talks and you will able to build your OpenHPC engineer from the available building blocks.

    Tagged as : CentOS OpenHPC

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