1. Dynamic DNS

    For the last ten years I wanted to set up my own dynamic DNS service but was never motivated enough. Recently enough motivation was provided and using the scripts from http://www.fischglas.de/software/dyn/ made it really easy to set up a dynamic DNS service using bind. Following changes were necessary to the named.conf file:

    zone "dyn.domain" in {
            type master;
            file "db.dyn.domain";
            allow-update {
                    key host.domain.;

    Whenever the IP address of my host changes I am loading a URL with my hostname and password encoded. The script behind the URL checks if my hostname and password is correct and updates the zone file using nsupdate with a TTL of 120 seconds.

    The script uses a simple configuration file (/etc/dyn/dyn.cfg) with the following content:

    Tagged as : dynamic DNS

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